VBS and Refugee Kids

Concordia, Kirkwood’s long established Vacation Bible School (VBS) program, interrupted by the COVID epidemic, was back in full force this summer with over 170 participants. Among them were 24 refugee kids, ages three to fifteen, from five birth nations including Congo, Kenya, Nepal, Uganda and Rwanda.

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Each day of this five-day event started with worship featuring songs, videos and lots of dancing. Thereafter, crew leaders took students to classrooms to share how God designed each one of them in a special way to share the love of Jesus with others. Eph. 2:10 served as a key Bible verse. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Jesus Christ for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Rebecca Schultz, assisted by 107 volunteers, served as the Director of the VBS. Highlights for her included, seeing youth leaders serving as examples to younger children, listening to children’s voices singing songs of praise to God and seeing so many volunteers give selflessly of their time and energy.

As has been their practice, Concordia again invited CFNA refugee children to be part of their program, and the children loved it! When asked what they enjoyed most about VBS, Shawn replied, “I liked the games we played it the gym.” Esther said, “I liked being with my new friends.” And Rhonda shared, “I enjoyed the music, devotions and the videos.”

We extend our sincere thanks to Concordia, and especially Rebecca Schultz, for inviting the CFNA kids to participate in this wonderful, well organized event.

By Gary Schaefer, CFNA Operations Associate, with
Rev. Al Buckman