Food Assistance for New Americans

For the past three or four years Christian Friends of New Americans  and Orphan Grain Train have successfully partnered in outreach to New Americans through the delivery of food and household items. To be sure, this partnership has been most beneficial for all involved, especially the New Americans.

Hank Saeger picks up available items from Orphan Grain Train weekly, and then delivers what’s available to approximately 15 New Americans families. The focus is on those who have arrived most recently – presently mostly are from Nepal - and are continued for three to six months; just long enough to allow these New Americans to become somewhat acclimated. As one family leaves the program another is found.

Hank is often assisted by Rev. Eddie Mekasha and in this photo we see Pastor Mekasha sharing some items with a family from Nepal – who now regularly attend the Sunday morning Nepali Fellowship at Ascension Lutheran Church.

Items very much in demand and often available free of charge through Orphan Grain Train include fresh produce, meat, bakery items, blankets and some types of warm clothing, as well as personal hygiene products and occasionally, even small appliances such as coffee makers - and more!

Our thanks to Orphan Grain Train for their great ministry and beneficial partnership, and our thanks to Hank for his leadership in this effort.
