The Next Bicycle

Mr. Feseha Tekle is the most recent recipient of yet another bicycle (the 3rd) provided by Mr. Chris Shearman, owner of Gelateria del Leone located on 3197 S. Grand Blvd. In the photo Rev. Ron Rall, Sr. Pastor of Timothy Lutheran Church, presents the bicycle to Feseha on behalf of the CFNA and the Gelateria. Aside from public transportation or assistance from friends, this is Feseha’s only reliable means of transportation just now.

Over the past few years Timothy Lutheran, assisted by Rev. Eddie Mekasha of CFNA, has established a growing ministry among this expanding Eritrean ethnic community. The ministry includes weekly Kunama (an Eritrean people group) fellowships at the Peace Center, led by Revs. Rall and Wilson of Timothy. For this we praise the Lord!

Feseha arrived in St. Louis as a resettled refugee from Eritrea just a month ago.  He is hopeful his wife and two children, also refugees in Eritrea, will soon be joining him. We wish him and his family our very best!
