Give Away!

getting ready

getting ready

dr. hagan assists with registration

dr. hagan assists with registration

pleased recipients

pleased recipients

At CFNA, we believe that one of the of the greatest joys in life is bringing the joy of Christ to other people. Through the generosity of 16 volunteers and in-kind donations from the LCMS Missouri District Office, Zion Lutheran Church, St. Charles, the National LWML (Assembly of Readers) and countless other donors, we were blessed to be able to do that this weekend through our annual Christmas Giveaway.

Over two days, we provided 72 New American families (over 350 people) from 12 countries (Afghanistan, Bhutan, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Liberia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Syria, Yemen) with basic necessities such as laundry detergent, blankets, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, bar soap and more. All of these were gratefully received by New Americans with little in the way of income and who are living on very tight budgets.

“I really enjoyed today when I was helping people to get their things,” one recpient stated. “My mom was so happy because she got to help a lot of people and I was happy too. It was a great day.”

We want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated their time and/or resources to this ministry. You are helping build the Kingdom of God on earth, even as we anticipate His coming this Advent season!

Samantha Hoyt Lutheran Young Adult Corps (Intern)