By The Power of the Holy Spirit

We are Blessing Others!

Perhaps you have experienced unexpected blessings extended by God through others in your times of need. Jesus has placed love in our hearts so we may share the love of Christ with others.

Apart from Christ, we are unable to be obedient to God’s will, to do the things we ought to do. God’s plan includes calling Christians to be brothers and sisters of Christ, God’s Son and our Redeemer. As His redeemed people, God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit at work within us, we are equipped to share the love of Jesus with others. The Bible says, even though we know not what to pray for, the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf to God the Father (Romans 8:26-27). Much more than this, Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:34).

As we grow as Christians, we yield to the will of God more and more in our lives and rely less and less on our own power and talents. Relying on God’s will, we experience a great joy and peace that is beyond our understanding or imagination. That joy is experienced in sharing the love of Jesus with others. That joy is experienced in observing the work of the Holy Spirit in drawing many close to God (Romans 9:22-25).

Charlie Caciano Treasurer, CFNA St. Louis, MO