The Ran Gurung Family

New Americans of the Month

ran gurung

ran gurung

The refugee camp was an improvement for Ran Gurung and his family. He and his mother, sister, and wife sought refuge in Nepal from the fighting in their native country of Bhutan in August 2008. In the camp, they had little money, no TV, a hard time getting clothes, and little freedom. They could only leave the compound to work and had to return immediately after, but at least there was good food, clean water, and a radio for entertainment. It was in that camp that Ran's wife gave birth to their son, Sanjay, and daughter, Shresti. In 2013, the growing family was given the opportunity to relocate, this time to St. Louis.

America has had its own difficulties for the Gurungs. The adults in the family are adjusting to the cold, a new language, and necessary parts of life in America, such as doctor’s appointments. But Ran believes that the blessings far outweigh the problems. He was connected to CFNA through the Nepali fellowship, and the ministry has assisted and enriched his family through the community, English assistance, food, furniture, clothes, a dishwasher, and education for Ran and his children.

They were also blessed to be involved in family-to-family ministry with dedicated CFNA volunteers Kristy and Matt Hutchison, their sons Caleb and Jacob, as well as Kristy's parents David and Karen Vaughn, who worked with the family on a weekly basis for over two years. During this time Ran learned of Jesus at the Peace Center. He and his entire family converted from Buddhism and were baptized in 2014.

Ran gurung family

Ran gurung family

CFNA holds a special place in Ran’s heart. He has learned, made friends, and enjoyed fellowship here. The Peace Center is his space. It has allowed him to work on realizing his dreams of knowing English, becoming an American citizen, and creating a better life for his children. He dreams of having a nice little house in the St. Louis area and watching his children get good jobs: Sanjay as a doctor or engineer and Shresti as an interpreter. Ran loves his new life and is filled with hope for the future, and we are thrilled to watch what God will continue to do for him and his family!

By Samantha Hoyt Lutheran Youth Corps Volunteer, Intern