Ministry Through Drivers Education

Mani (driving) with rev. stanley

Mani (driving) with rev. stanley

“You really helped me a lot.” These were the grateful words of Aynalem Kebede, an Ethiopian immigrant, when she passed her driver’s license test a few weeks ago. Having failed three prior attempts, she had been put on a 20-hour driver learning requirement. When she learned of CFNA’s Driver’s Ed/ESL program, she registered for the course. After four months of practice and with the assistance of several CFNA volunteers, she finally tasted success and got her license.

Aynalem was not the only one seeking a driver’s license. A few months prior, Nepali refugee Mani Gurung had approached CFNA for similar help. Mani, who also had three failed attempts and had been given the mandatory 20-hour learning requirement, was a much harried man. Unable to get his license and with limited English ability, he was stressed out with transportation challenges.

Having come to America three years earlier, he was badly in need of a license so that he might maintain even the modest income he needed to meet the needs of his family. CFNA volunteers Joel Gabbert, Mike Albers, Richard Leigh, Pastor Stanish, and Pastor Ted Wurffel all worked with him to help him get ready for the test. When Mani finally passed it, he was elated! “You gave me a big blessing with your help” was his comment. Worshiping with the Nepali Bible Fellowship that meets at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Mani remains grateful for the believers who helped him overcome a huge challenge.

The Driver’s Ed/ESL ministry was recently blessed with yet another successful client, Ikram Aftab from Afghanistan. Like Mani and Aynalem, Ikram also overcame the challenge of a new language, as well as the bewildering driving and testing system, to get his license. “This is freedom” was a common refrain from all of them. Undoubtedly, the impact of the Driver’s ED/ESL ministry is enormous in that it frees New Americans to work, be mobile, and build up their own capacities. This is a goal toward which this ministry strives.

Our thanks to Natalie Bishop and Samantha Hoyt for serving as instructors and to numerous volunteers as well. Through their efforts, Christ’s love continues to be made apparent to a growing number of New Americans.

By Rev. Stanish Stanley Executive Director, CFNA