Health and Wellness

Dolma gurung (ascension Lutheran Church) serving as nepali interpreter for judy streufert, Rn (concordia kirkwood)

Dolma gurung (ascension Lutheran Church) serving as nepali interpreter for judy streufert, Rn (concordia kirkwood)

The threatening weather held off, and the Lord provided a beautiful morning for our March Health and Wellness screening. We continue to be blessed by the many willing volunteer workers that make our screenings possible.

Pastor Stanish opened the morning with an encouraging devotion based on Jesus’ feeding thousands with limited bread and fish. In addition to the spiritual needs, Jesus was concerned about the physical needs of the people. Pastor Stanish reminded us that we too, by helping the refugees at the screening, provide assistance for the physical needs of our fellow man. Our service is helpful, needed, and following Christ’s example.

Making multiple trips, four dedicated volunteer drivers brought most of the clients to the screening (the average is now between 25 and 30 per screening), and took them home afterwards.

Four volunteer translators, refugees themselves, helped to translate for our Nepali-speaking clients. Such assistance is invaluable for all—the clients, the registrars, and the practitioners. Gagan Gurung was available for translation help throughout the morning as well.

With welcoming smiles, three individuals helped with registration. Two of these volunteers are students at Saint Louis University.

Barb hartung (Ascension lutheran church) Rn, and client

Barb hartung (Ascension lutheran church) Rn, and client

Five dedicated practitioners—one physician and four nurses—volunteered their time to examine the clients. The practitioners’ insight affords clients information about their health and enables us to assist in accessing follow-up care.

After the screening, working in partnership with the International Institute and various local schools, we are able to refer identified needs, and initiate medical appointments for those seen at the screenings.

Of course, without the diligent efforts of Gagan Gurung and Richard Leigh, we would not have many clients to serve. They meet and make connections ahead of time with many of the families and individuals that come to the screenings. This initial contact enables the screening process to run more smoothly than it otherwise would, and connects them to Christian Friends of New Americans.

We look forward to our upcoming screenings. Audiologist Amy Krueger, Hear USA, will continue to assist in providing hearing screenings. Dr. Kriendler, Intero Health Care, will provide bone scans at our May screening.

By: Laura Brink (Ascension Lutheran Church)