Valentine’s Day Party 2014

Isatta enjoys a party treat

Isatta enjoys a party treat

Volunteers from Webster Gardens and Bethlehem Lutheran Churches celebrated Valentine’s Day on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at the Peace Center on South Grand with 23 refugee kids from kindergarten to grade 6. The Valentine’s Day program was organized by volunteers from Webster Gardens Lutheran Church along with their Pastor of Children’s Ministry, Rev. Brian King, and leaders and students from Bethlehem Lutheran Church. The party started at 1:00 p.m. with children of various nationalities registering and then proceeding to the Chapel for a time of gathering with Pastor King. Chapel time included singing of songs of praise and a message of God’s love in Christ Jesus for all people. Everyone had a great afternoon of fellowship, playing games such as Bingo, making Valentine cards, decorating cupcakes etc. The joy of kids along with the helpful interactions of volunteers made the occasion a truly memorable one for all present.

Making valentines

Making valentines

At the center of this celebration was the message of “sharing and love” exhibited by the volunteers from Webster Gardens and Bethlehem Lutheran Churches. Through their interaction with Peace Center kids, believers from these churches reminded the children that in spite of our different ethnicities, God’s people consider it a blessing to spend time and share their resources with others in need. The party was a witness to the truth that God in Christ is our true “Valentine” for He has laid down His life in love for all, as all are in need of redemption from sin. God loves little children, including those who have been uprooted from their native land. God welcomes the Peace Center kids to be a part of His great community of “sharing and love.”

By Rev. Stanish Stanley