Health and Wellness
/Ten times a year, CFNA hosts a health and wellness screening for refugees and immigrants. We were blessed to have 42 clients, 9 translators, 10 registrars, 4 practitioners, 3 drivers, and 1 devotion leader at the January 7 screening!
Of course, the health screening serves to introduce people to CFNA. We had 22 clients from Syria; 7 from Nepal/Bhutan; 6 from Iraq; 5 from Congo; and 2 from Sudan. With an influx of Arabic speaking clients, we were fortunate to have 6 Arabic speaking translators. Thankfully, we also had translators to help with Nepali, French, and Swahili. Almost all our translators are former or current clients. Additionally, eight of our registrars were students from Visitation Academy. They were helpful, energetic, and assisted clients with a smile! We very much appreciate all of these great servants.
The screening helps identify clients’ health needs. CFNA refers those with issues to treatment centers, and makes medical, dental, and eye appointments as needed. One client, a little girl who arrived in the United States just two weeks earlier, had run out of epilepsy medicine. The issue was identified and referral was made immediately to the International Institute for treatment.
During the winter months, we have also been able to distribute needed clothing, blankets, and dishes to participating families. Thank you, generous donor congregations and individuals!
In addition to referrals and making appointments, we try to arrange rides, if needed. We can always use volunteers to drive individuals to their appointments, which are usually during the day, Monday through Friday. If interested, please contact Laura Brink at or 314-249-9219. Or if interested in volunteering as a driver, registrar, practitioner, or translator at the screening, please download the flyer and connect with Laura Brink to express your interest.
By Laura Brink Ascension Lutheran Church