Valentine's Day Party
/Editor’s Note: In December the National Honor Society students at Lutheran High School South provided gifts for several recently arrived Syrian refugee families. Here, Riley Schelp shares how they reached out once again, this time to provide a Valentine’s Day party for the after school tutoring participants at the Peace Center.
Thursday, February 9, the Lutheran High School South National Honor Society came to the Peace Center for a Valentine's Day party. The CFNA kids decorated heart-shaped cookies, made valentines, sang songs, and played games. The high school students also helped the kids with their homework as they tutored them upstairs. At the end of the night the NHS students performed a skit about Valentine's Day.
After the skit, there was a devotion about the love that Jesus shows us and the love we show each other. It was incredible to see the high schoolers interact with the kids and build relationships. As Peyton Anderson put it, “I love how excited everyone got: the kids and the students from Lutheran South and the workers at CFNA. I also loved how everyone sang really loudly and got into the worship.”
It was a great opportunity for the students of Lutheran South to show the love of Jesus this Valentine's Day. The NHS students at Lutheran South look forward to continuing to work with CFNA in the future. Meghan Acheson spoke for all of us when she shared, “I had a great time at CFNA! I loved decorating the cookies with the kids, and I can’t wait to go back in the future.”
Thank you so much! Everyone in the NHS group keeps talking about the Valentine's party because it was such a great experience.
By Riley Schelp National Honor Society Member Concordia, Kirkwood Member