Home Bible Studies - A Key Ministry

By God’s grace, over the past two years nine Home Bible studies have been established among New American families living within a three mile radius of the Peace Center. In almost every case, these families have arrived St. Louis within the past three years.

Interestingly of the nine, eight have been established in the homes of Nepalese families. The ninth has been meeting in the home of Kessela and Aynalem Mulat from Ethiopia. This family arrived St. Louis two years ago as refugees.

Their three children, Betty, David and Mahlet are all beneficiaries of the Adopt A Student scholarship program and attend Word of Life Lutheran School. They together their father, are receiving catechetical instruction at Timothy Lutheran Church where they have been attending regularly – and where they anticipate becoming members in the very near future.

Rev. Eddie Mekasha provides leadership of the Home Bible Study ministry, and together with wife Fantaye, has been leading this particular gathering which began just a year ago. The weekly meetings focus on the Gospel and/or Epistle ready for the church year.

The photo shows members of the Mulat family, together with Rev. Allan Buckman, who was welcomed as a guest teacher earlier this year.

Information provided by Rev. Eddie Mekasha