Open Bowls


Fifteen kids bounced out of the cars as we rolled up to the Washington University Ceramics studio on a beautiful Saturday morning in early December. We were there to make bowls, to learn about pottery, to work with our hands, to have fun, but above all to serve those in need. Wash-U students paired up with CFNA kids and we spent all morning kneading and forming and smoothing, and covered in sloppy wet clay under our fingernails, in our hair and all over our clothes. The children learned how to make pinch pots, build slab mold bowls and (everyone’s favorite), throwing on the wheel. We enjoyed sandwiches outside, and talked about how everyone could make one bowl for themselves, and then one (or more) to give away to a charity meal to help feed the homeless in St. Louis. The idea of giving away their precious creations was a bit difficult, but slowly grew on the group. After lunch, with energy hardly ceasing, we refined our creations, painted colored slip designs on our bowls and attempted to clean-up. With a bit of embarrassment we took the kids home in a completely clay covered state of dress, nevertheless reflecting that we learned and worked and gave and thoroughly enjoyed!


This workshop was part of broader programing being initiated at the Peace Center that focuses on using Art as a catalyst to connect students and mentors, to help develop a medium of expression and self-reflection, as well as offer the opportunity for students to make valuable and visible contributions to the broader St. Louis community.

Developing skills of visual communication is a crucial part of navigating American culture as well as a unique way to understand identity and integration. In January (date TBA) Sarah Bernhardt will be hosting an Empty Bowls charity event at Washington University—at which the ceramic bowls made by our CFNA students will be sold with a simple soup supper to raise money for St. Louis food organizations. Art programing at the Peace Center will continue on a monthly basis, including drawing, painting, and photography workshops to come.Thank you for the support and involvement!

Blessings, Sarah Bernhardt