Volunteers Of The Month - Jerry & Joyce Birk

Jerry & Joyce Birk were born in St. Louis, and have resided in South County for over 50 years. They met while attending Harris Jr. College. Jerry graduated from Saint Louis University with a Major in Geology, and Joyce is a graduate of Central Missouri State University with a degree in Elementary Education. She has taught in the Lindbergh and Mehlville School Districts. They have been married for 53 years, have four children and nine grandchildren.

The Birks have been members of Peace Lemay for over forty years. Jerry is an Elder and served on the Evangelism Committee where he became enthusiastic about reaching out and telling others about Christ. Joyce currently sings in the Chancel Choir, is on the Social Ministry Board, and has been teaching ESL and Citizenship Classes to New Americans.

After the Bosnian War, when many refugees were coming to St. Louis, Pastor Kastens encouraged us to attend the first planning meeting of a new Lutheran Outreach to Bosnians. Shortly, thereafter, CFNA was the name chosen for this ministry, an organization that continues to grow and serve Christ and many New Americans from several nations. We began working together with Pastor Tony Boos, and many concerned volunteers. We started ESL, Computer Classes and Citizenship Instruction at Peace Church. We made many new Bosnian friends through sports programs and other social gatherings.

Joyce's most enjoyable experience has been meeting New Americans, helping them become American citizens, and seeing their children graduate and participate in "The American Dream!" Jerry's was traveling to Bosnia with Pastor Boos. They visited many different cities, staying in the homes of relatives of Bosnians they had met in St. Louis. They experienced Bosnian hospitality and culture. Jerry's visit enables him to meet many Bosnian strangers and share his visit with them. Our challenge is to show our friends the great love and care Jesus has for them.

We have been blessed to have a mission field in our backyard. We thank the Lutheran Foundation, CFNA, Christ Memorial, Peace Church, and all our teachers and coaches who have served the Lord with Joy.

By Jerry & Joyce Birk