The Baptism of Shiva and Lachi Rai

Messiah Lutheran Church on South Grand was recently blessed to receive Shiva and Lachi Rai into membership through Holy Baptism in July. Shiva was a priest in the Keerath religion, a synchronistic religion mixing Hindu and animistic beliefs. His conversion to Christ has had an impact on the younger members of the Bhutanese community in South City and has already contributed to others asking for baptismal instruction. But Shiva was not the first of his family to express faith in Christ. Not only did his wife, Lachi, first express her faith in Christ, but his son and daughter-in-law were both baptized before him.

Shiva’s story is an example of the Holy Spirit’s power through the preached word. Reached initially through CFNA outreach ministries, the first time Pastor Will Miller and PhD student Rev. Sam Thompson from Messiah visited his home, Shiva was so upset that they were there to speak about Christ with his wife, Lachi, that he kicked a table as he left the room. But, over time, as Christ was proclaimed in his living room to his wife, Shiva’s heart also began to soften to the good news of forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus. Later, when he asked for baptism, Shiva shared that he had already spent his whole life in service to other gods and other “lords” whom he had served out of fear, but that he was now ready with the rest of his life to follow Christ who loved him.

This miracle of the Holy Spirit in the conversion of this household also has much to teach us who work with New Americans because it was only through great patience that the gospel continued to be preached to these wonderful people. Though Lachi professed her faith in Christ early on in the work, Shiva would not give his blessing as the head of the household to her baptism for over a year. During that time, Lachi suffered as she attended services at Messiah every Sunday and eagerly desired to join the rest of the congregation at the Lord’s Table. But this godly woman’s patience and respect for her husband is to be credited with her husband’s eventual conversion. What Lachi and her son Tara, who was also gently speaking with Shiva during this past year, have to teach all of us in God’s mission is that prayer, love, and patience are the greatest weapons in this good fight of faith that have the power to take down the strongholds that the world erects against Christ.  Praise be to God for His work in bringing salvation to New Americans in South City!

By:  Rev. Will Miller