Ministry Through Art

Merhawi holds up his sketchbook. “Does this look right?” he asks, face and hands covered in black charcoal from his drawing. “Wow! Let’s look at the shapes and the shading over here” I suggest as we learn to look and to see closer. I look around the room and a smile spreads across my face as I see 15 students from across the world all together—here in St. Louis—making art. Each one busily works in his or her sketchbook, practicing, thinking, reflecting, imagining, creating. Three days a week for three hours we meet in the basement art room of Christian Friends of New Americans facility. Light streams in from the far left corner illuminating walls pinned full of sketches, prints, and inspiration. We have spent the summer exploring drawing, painting, printmaking, photography and film! We learn about seeing the world, we learn about seeing and listening to each other, and we learn about seeing Jesus. We hope to share this exploration with you on August 16th at an art show open house from 7-9 at CFNA!

Sarah Bernhardt has been blessed with the opportunity to run this program through the generous use of CFNA’s facility and a grant from Washington University in St. Louis. The program has run throughout the summer engaging youth from ages 6-17 in conversation and creation of art, friendships, and a voice for the St. Louis international community!

By:  Sarah Bernhardt