Meals for Kids

Josh Kesel

Josh Kesel

“Pastor Stanish is here with the food…” screamed Neema as I knocked on the door with kids meals for the family. This was now the 15th week of meal distributions to over 40 New American families like Neema’s. Made four days a week, each distribution provided meals for between 135-175 recipients. To date, approximately 9,000 meals have been distributed.

Over 30 volunteers from eight area churches (Christ Memorial, Immanuel, St. Charles, Memorial Presbyterian, Concordia, Kirkwood, St. Trinity, Abiding Savior, Webster Gardens, and Timothy Lutheran) participated in this process. Interestingly, the volunteers also include nine New Americans from five different birth nations including Yemen, Congo, China, Iran, and India.

Tom Wilson, who along with his wife were among the many volunteers from Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, summed it up like this–“We thoroughly enjoyed serving, knowing that kids and families with needs were being blessed. Thank you for allowing us to serve and bless others in these difficult times.”

The spirit of service in the face of difficulty is part of the commitment that drives these volunteers, and it has left its mark. As Marie Jean, mother of a six-member family resettled in St. Louis from the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) responded–“You have a great thing here… you are helping us when I have no job and have been affected by COVID. This is a great additional help for me and my family. Thank you so much.”

Ken & Cathy Hutter

Ken & Cathy Hutter

Where COVID sought to wreak havoc, create fear, and isolate relationships; the message of Jesus provided hope and encouragement. Indeed, God’s people have responded to the COVID crisis by “carrying each other’s burdens…” (Gal. 6:2a). CFNA remains grateful to UMETULISHA for providing the kids meals, and to all our volunteers and staff for their support and involvement. Additionally, we pray for His continued presence among us as ministry continues among those who have been affected by this virus.

By Pastor Stanish Stanley