More New American Baptisms

Rai Family

Sunday, October 31st, Reformation Sunday, was another joyful day at Messiah Lutheran Church! Sam Rai; his wife, Sara Puri; and their daughters, Samiya and Samira, were baptized.

Through many prayers and encouragement by Sam’s sister, Meena Basnet, and brother-in-law, Martin Basnet, over many years, they were finally moved to say, “It is time!” These newly-baptized people live in Chicago, but they are in St. Louis a few times a year, sometimes staying for several weeks. When they are in St. Louis, they join in the home Bible studies that I lead.

When Sam’s brother was shot in Chicago six years ago, he felt helped by Jesus when we prayed with him and encouraged him with the words of our Lord.

Still, it wasn’t clear he was going to become a Christian. But our God moves in a mysterious way, performing his wonders unbeknownst to us! Just about a month ago, Martin informed me that Sam and Sara wanted their whole family to be baptized. So I arranged and met with them to explain things to them to be sure they wanted to do this. They understood, and did want to be baptized!

I asked Sara if she would say in a few words what Jesus means to her. She said, “Jesus died for me. Because of that I have hope for the future. One day, I will live forever with Jesus.” I asked Sam the same question. His answer: “All my family believes in Jesus. I got a lot of good ideas from Meena and Martin. When they entered Jesus they found peace. In my mind Jesus is good for me.”

To God alone be the glory!
By Rev. Mike Okine
Messiah Lutheran Church