Ministry Without Borders

Some of the Sierra Leone Members at timothy

Editor’s Note:  In 1982 the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod started mission work among the Kono speaking people in Sierra Leone. Nine years later, after having established about a dozen congregations and preaching stations, all of the missionaries left the country due to civil war. Here’s what happened next. 

Left in the hands of local leaders the Church grew to over 150 congregations and preaching stations including Freetown, the capital of the country. Here a congregation of over 100 members, together with a school (Martin Luther Primary School) with over 250 students was established by Rev. Joseph Sesay.  

A few months ago, Rev. Sesay was hospitalized with a sever foot infection due in part, to diabetes complications. As his condition worsened it seemed likely the foot would have to be amputated. Neither Pastor Sesay nor the congregation had the funds required for this kind of prolonged medical treatment. 

When the Sierra Leone Lutherans in St. Louis became aware of this however, they took action. In the words of Rev. Andrew Dinger, pastor at Timothy Lutheran Church, “Like the Macedonian Christians that St. Paul lifted up in II Corinthians, the Sierra Leone community at St. Timothy responded with great joy, even in their own meager resources. They did this because they knew what it was like to walk in the shoes of Pastor Sesay.” 

The funds gathered by the Sierra Leone members were matched by the rest of the members and CFNA added a contribution as well. All of this was accomplished under the leadership and at the urging of Mr. Gerald Brewah, an Elder of the church and himself an immigrant from Sierra Leone. A couple of days ago they released the $1,500 gift and reports that it was received with great joy by Rev. Sesay, and those he serves. 

As Pastor Dinger observed, it was only through its New American members that Timothy was able to reach far beyond St. Louis in its ministry of witness and service to others. We praise God for this commitment and wish Rev. Sesay a complete and speedy recovery.

Note: As this article was about to be released we learned that our Heavenly Father called Rev. Sesay to be with Him. We celebrate his homecoming, as well as the commitment of the Sierra Leone Lutherans in St. Louis to be of service to him and his family.

By Gerald Brewah and Rev. Andrew Dinger With Rev. Al Buckman