New Dimensions

mutumpe Ngoyi with certificate

mutumpe Ngoyi with certificate

Editor’s Note: Four months ago, with funds provided by a generous grant from the Grace Lutheran Foundation of Destin, FL, and under the supervision of Rev. Teddy Workeneh, CFNA launched a new ministry called the Skill Enhancement Program. Here Carla Hagan tells about her experience serving as the tutor and mentor for the first class.

When I was asked to teach a Home Health Aid class for New Americans, I said “Yes” to the CFNA offer in the blink of an eye. However, this article is not about me. Rather, it is about how God blessed a group of people recently arrived from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Congo, and Somalia to learn how to better care for others.

As soon as it became available, 15 students quickly enrolled in a 72 hour online Home Health Aid class. During our weekly meetings, they were engaged and inquisitive, asking many questions having to do with the provision of patient care in multiple settings; home, hospital and nursing home. Though from several nations, they gradually formed into a single learning community. As their tutor and mentor, I was blessed to have had the opportunity to guide the process, as well as to provide the necessary medical information.

On Friday, August 10 thirteen students received their HHA certificates, having passed the online final exam. In his comments to the graduating class, Rev. Workeneh shared the following: “The diploma you hold in your hand not only provides access to a better job opportunity, it also strongly endorses your efforts to be successful in your professional career.” Student Mutumpe Ngoye (Congo) shared that her plan is to register for the online CNA course as soon as CFNA can make it available.

Let us join others in wishing these successful students our Lord’s richest blessings.

Carla Hagan, RN Christ Memorial Lutheran Church

hha class

hha class

graduates with certificates: rev workeneh, back row furthest left. Carla hagan, back row, third from right.

graduates with certificates: rev workeneh, back row furthest left. Carla hagan, back row, third from right.