VBS Brings Together the Nations

having fun!

having fun!

Abiding Savior Lutheran Church hosted two evenings of Vacation Bible School on July 24th and 26th. Attendees included church and community members as well as a group from Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA). Countries outside of the United States that were represented included Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nepal, Sudan, Syria, and the Congo.

members greet a new american guest

members greet a new american guest

“We at CFNA greatly appreciate all the special efforts Abiding Savior made to transport, welcome and bless our kids and families. The arrangements made by Abiding Savior to transport and welcome refugee families, the friendship displayed by staff and volunteers, VBS and games led by youths and adults; touched the hearts of participating families,” said Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, CFNA Executive Director.

VBS participants were served dinner by church volunteers and then the adults were a part of a Bible study while the children enjoyed games, crafts, and a story.

"This Church is so big and people are so good. Thank you for bringing me here. They are helping people like us... it is so good!" said Fatuma Nirumpe a 10th grader who attended both days with her mother and her five Congolese siblings.

“I have never been more proud to be the Pastor of Abiding Savior Lutheran Church. I witnessed our members sharing the love of Jesus with each other and with guests, both from our community and from other countries. How often do you get a chance to do that?” said Pastor David McBurney of Abiding Savior.

Having more fun!

Having more fun!

In addition to the VBS activities, a group of volunteers also assembled donated backpacks and school supplies to benefit students at Monroe Elementary in St. Louis.

Since 1982, Abiding Savior Lutheran Church has been a vibrant and growing missional LCMS church serving South County, St. Louis, and the surrounding areas. For more information, visit www.knowthesavior.org.