New Opportunity in this Critcal Moment

This Moment Is Critical!

The crisis in Afghanistan has been horrific in every conceivable way. But a new opportunity is being borne from this tragedy.

Approximately 1400 refugees are expected to arrive in St. Louis during the next 12 months.

We are seeking "Partnerships in the Gospel" (see Philippians 1:3-6) to help CFNA respond in this critical moment of history when God will certainly bring about good in the midst of the works of evil men.

Help us prepare to minister to these refugees upon their arrival so that they might meet Jesus through our hands and feet. Consider the following:

  • In addition to refugees from Congo, Syria, and other countries, a large number of SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) refugees from Afghanistan as well as 350 Parolee refugees also from Afghanistan will be arriving.

  • CFNA has hired a qualified Afghan Ministry Facilitator who is already at work reaching out to Afghan refugees as they arrive in St. Louis. Donations received will be shared with them in the form of welcome packages and more, as we attempt to reach out to them.