Outreach Through Education
/LHSS Graduate Mamie, and her father
In Spring 2021, four young African women graduated from Lutheran High School North and South. Three of them are headed to four-year universities—Mizzou, University of Missouri, Kansas City, and Southeast Missouri University. The fourth student, a graduate of Lutheran North, is still working on her plans for the future. Two elementary students also graduated and have gone on to Lutheran High School South; one was supported by a Today and Tomorrow Scholarship at Word of Life and the other has received CFNA scholarships since she was in third grade at CCLS.
Mamie’s father, pictured with her at graduation, said: “I want to thank Christian Friends of New Americans for the scholarship they offered my daughter from her middle school until the completion of her high school. The CFNA scholarship was a very big financial help for Mamie to pursue her education.”
In 2021-2022, CFNA will be supporting 13 elementary students and 14 high school students in five different elementary schools and the two Lutheran High Schools. Of those students, Word of Life has enrolled three new Nepalese students and Lutheran South has enrolled two Nepalese, one of whom is a graduate from Word of Life. Lutheran North also added three new students, two students from a Mexican family and a student from an Ethiopian family. The Lutheran Foundation continues to match the funds we raise to cover the scholarships that allow these students to attend Lutheran schools.
LHSS 2021-22 Senior from Ethiopia
Because of the generosity of our donors, we have taken a risk this year and agreed to support several students beyond our normal “quota”. Two young African students enrolled quite late at Lutheran South; both will be seniors and recognized that Lutheran South’s program would assure them of a better opportunity to succeed in a university. One is the daughter of an Ethiopian PhD student at Concordia Seminary, recently joining her mother in the US. The other, an Eritrean, is a transfer from Soldan Public High School, where he and his sister had attended.
CFNA has a number of faithful donors who have supported this scholarship program for many years, including Concordia Kirkwood’s Outward Bound Ministries. Because CFNA is now reaching more effectively into the Nepalese community and serving more high school students, we are seeking additional donors. We very much appreciate the generosity of many people who recognize that supporting students from immigrant and refugee families is an excellent way to strengthen these young people spiritually and intellectually, and potentially link them and their families to Lutheran congregations.
By Dr. Judith Meyer
Facilitator, Adopt A Student Ministry