Volunteer Appreciation
/Sewing Instructors
On Wednesday, September 15, CFNA recognized the blessings of the many volunteers who have served in this ministry. Since January 2019, more than 425 people have volunteered in one way or another, and of them, around 75 people were able to join us for a special Volunteer Appreciation event.
Ascension Lutheran Church graciously shared their outside lawn space for this gathering, as well as providing chairs, tables, and a sound system. Local Turkish restaurant Aya Sofia donated tasty kebobs, while CFNA Executive Director Stanish Stanley and family provided vegetable samosas. Dr. John Loum, CFNA Board member and Vice President, led the planning committee.
He noted that, “In Matthew 20:28, Jesus, said, ‘I came not to be served but to serve.’ Historically, CFNA has modeled its unique and important ministry exactly on our Lord’s principle of servanthood and the volunteers have truly served without counting the cost, while also being a friend to strangers in our midst.”
One of the evening’s highlights was recognizing some of our young volunteers. Ben Janssen, Addie Janssen, Cathy Stanish, Elise Zeigler, Jude Zeigler, and Titus Zeigler all received The President’s Volunteer Service Award for more than 100 hours of service during the past 12 months. They, together with still other junior volunteers who served less frequently, provided a combined 1,375 hours of service for CFNA and the St. Louis community.
CFNA Board Chair with the President Award Recpients
Volunteer and After School Tutoring leader Amy Zeigler observed that “there is a certain synergy that happens between these young tutors and the friends with whom they work. The youth volunteers understand the students’ struggles of school as the volunteers are currently experiencing them in their own life as well. Yet, these volunteers set aside their free time to serve their neighbors, to help someone who is trying to excel, and from this, true friendships arise. All leave the experience feeling grateful.”
Long-time CFNA volunteer Sandy Gerber shared that ”volunteering at CFNA has given me the opportunity to meet children and adults from many countries and cultures and to learn from them. What a privilege it is to be able to share the love of Jesus with them and to watch the Holy Spirit work in their lives. These relationships enrich our lives as well.”
As our Board Chair, Al Buckman, who together with his wife Carol have each served as volunteers since its inception 20 years ago, noted, “Without volunteers, CFNA could not provide the substantial level of witness and service that it provides today. We thank our Lord for each and every one of them.”
For information about volunteer opportunities at CFNA, click here, or email lbrink@cfna-stl.org.
By Laura Brink
CFNA Ministry Associate