Penny Drive!

riley with happy recipients shresti and sanjay

riley with happy recipients shresti and sanjay

two very happy recipients

two very happy recipients

with a congolese family

with a congolese family

The National Honor Society (NHS) at Lutheran South hosted a penny drive in which classes competed against one another to see which could donate the most. Together they raised more than $1,600 and decided to use the funds to provide Christmas gifts for six CFNA families. Eighty NHS members worked together to count pennies, shop, wrap presents, sort gifts and more! On Tuesday, December 12th, the NHS members visited the adopted families and delivered more than 80 Christmas presents.

"It was incredible to get to visit these recently arrived families from Nepal, Congo and elsewhere, and to be welcomed into their homes. It was so fun to see the kids open their gifts. “The service project was a lot of hard work, but it was all worth it in the end when we saw their smiling faces," says LHSS senior Hunter Hickerson. Senior Lauren Chong says, "I am so blessed we got to be God's messengers and were able to share His love this Christmas season."

The National Honor Society looks forward to continuing their work with CFNA in the years to come. God truly worked in a big way this year!

By Riley Schelp President, National Honor Society, LHSS Member, Concordia, Kirkwood