Rev. Teddy Workeneh Installation

installation service. l to r: dr. tim saleska, dr. stanish stanley, rev teddy workeneh, rev. bill wilson (officiant), dr. allan buckman, rev. bill geis

installation service. l to r: dr. tim saleska, dr. stanish stanley, rev teddy workeneh, rev. bill wilson (officiant), dr. allan buckman, rev. bill geis

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Math. 9:37–38)

On Sunday, December 17, Rev. Theodros (Teddy) Workeneh was installed as an Evangelistic Missionary of Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) at Timothy Lutheran Church in St. Louis. Pastor Teddy graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in 2017, and had been pastoring for more than 20 years previously in Ethiopia. In 2013, he came to the United States to serve for a year as an associate pastor in a Washington D. C. congregation of the Ethiopian Lutheran Church. Thereafter he was enrolled as a graduate student at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

While a student, he served with CFNA part-time as a facilitator for work among Ethiopian and Eritrean people. This resulted in the establishment of the small, but continuously growing Ethiopian/Eritrean Bible Fellowship. Pastor Teddy and his wife Aynalem (Ayni) have two children, Kibur and Leyu, and are members of Timothy Lutheran Church.

rev. workeneh and family. l to r: anaylem, leyu, kibur, rev. workeneh

rev. workeneh and family. l to r: anaylem, leyu, kibur, rev. workeneh

The installation was a milestone event for the Workeneh family, CFNA, Timothy Lutheran Church and the LCMS Missouri District; all of whom have joined together to support this very focused mission initiative among the people of this substantial ethnic community. Clearly, this commitment to dynamic mission outreach represents a step into the future. As immigrant believers become members of established churches, or form their own Bible Fellowship as satellites of established congregations, they bring with them their unique characteristics. These include a passion for relationship-based evangelism, multi-generational koinonia, servant-based fellowship and discipleship.

In Pastor Teddy’s words, “The installation service was a moving and inspiring event, for which I am utterly grateful. Moreover, the presence of representatives from CFNA and the LCMS Missouri District, along with numerous friends and families, including those from the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities, made it even more special. On behalf of my family and the members of the Ethiopian/Eritrean Fellowship, I offer my sincere thanks to CFNA and Timothy Lutheran Church for their friendship, fellowship, and generous hospitality.”

By: Rev. Teddy Workeneh, with Rev. Allan Buckman