Thank You LCEF!

lcef and cfna staff getting ready to unload

lcef and cfna staff getting ready to unload

Editor’s Note: Recently, the Nurture Committee of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund collected over 6,000 household items for distribution among people in need. When asked why Christian Friends of New Americans was chosen as the recipient of this huge gift, President, and CEO, Rev. Bart Day replied:

“CFNA has been working tirelessly in St. Louis to help resettle refugees and connect them with congregations and the gospel of Jesus. LCEF wanted to be a part of that great work of resettlement. This is a small way to welcome these new Americans and assure them they have a place here with us.”

LCEF Senior Content Writer, Demian Farnworth, shares the following:

“On Dec. 5, 2017, employees from Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) unloaded thousands of essential household items from a 17-foot long moving truck.

some of the more than 6,000 household items

some of the more than 6,000 household items

“These items—which included 3,772 rolls of toilet paper, 1,329 packages of toothbrushes and toothpaste, 540 bars of soap, 406 large laundry detergent bottles and scores of shampoo bottles, bundles of paper towels, blankets and more—were donated to the non-profit organization Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA).

“To collect the household items, the Nurture Committee, an LCEF group in charge of employee events, planned a Thanksgiving Holiday Drive. Ministry Support Coordinator, Allison Rose, organized the collection and delivery. The department that donated the most goods would win a lunch prepared by President and CEO, Rev. Bart Day.”

Please Note: Because of the sheer size of this gift, CFNA has organized a “Christmas Give-Away Event” to be held at the Peace Center on December 20 and 21. Numerous recently arrived refugee families will be invited to the Peace Center for the distribution. Please check the January issue for an update!