Volunteer Of The Month - Sandy Gerber

It all began in the spring of 2010. Pastor Gary Dehnke invited Sandra Gerber to visit the Peace Center and observe the After-School Tutoring program for New American children. Sandy began working as a tutor the following fall, and she’s been a part of the Tuesday tutoring team ever since! In addition to tutoring, Sandy keeps track of student registration and attendance data for the After-School Tutoring program. She also serves as a member of the Peace Center Reference Committee.

A life-long member of St. Johns – St. Louis, Sandy is a retired classroom teacher who had limited experience working with immigrant and refugee children prior to coming to the Peace Center. She’s learned a great deal in the past three years. She finds it exciting to see the Holy Spirit working in the lives of the children who come each week to the tutoring program and enjoys watching the children learn. She is grateful for the dedicated volunteers who come each week to share Jesus with the New Americans at the Peace Center. While this ministry presents some interesting challenges, it also brings great joy to those who serve.

Have YOU thought about serving as a tutor in our After-School Tutoring program? Take your inspiration from the words of hymn writer David March who wrote, “You can lead the little children to the Savior’s waiting arms.”