Thanks LWML!

On Sunday, February 3, Christian Friends of New Americans became the beneficiary of a substantial amount of children’s winter clothing together with numerous personal items such as flashlights, calculators, electronic pronunciation dictionaries, batteries, children’s games (Uno, for example), as well as a large set of lego blocks. All of these and more are to be seen in the accompanying photo which also features Dr. Allan and Carol Buckman, who were pleased to receive all of this on behalf of CFNA.

The LWML Board of Directors met in St. Louis from February 1 to 3, during which time all of these items were collected. These gifts could not have arrived at a better time, as the St. Louis winter weather was just setting in. Within just a few seeks, a substantial amount of the clothing in particular, had been distributed to New Americans families, many of them recent arrivals from Nepal and Burma.

On behalf of these New Americans, CFNA extends their heart-felt thanks to the fine members of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League!