Scholarship Students Give Back

kibur and joseph welcoming guests at the door

kibur and joseph welcoming guests at the door

naomi receiving instructions from Mrs. buckman

naomi receiving instructions from Mrs. buckman

patricia helped get tables ready for guests

patricia helped get tables ready for guests

Fifteen elementary students and fourteen secondary students are attending Lutheran schools this year because individuals, congregations, and schools have given generously to CFNA’s scholarship program. Their gifts are being matched by the Lutheran Foundation.

Contributions so far cover the first semester scholarships, but more gifts are needed to provide scholarships for the second semester. Hopefully, you will think about supporting the scholarship program. Contact Judith Meyer ( for information.

As I visited the students at their schools in early November, I routinely heard from staff at the four elementary schools and two high schools how much they enjoy having these New American students in their schools. Many of them are involved in service projects through their schools, in addition to being involved in a variety of activities. They also support activities of CFNA. Grace, one of the students who is a leader at Lutheran South and volunteers frequently for CFNA, told me, “The CFNA Scholarship has made such a difference for me, allowing me to stay at South and continue to grow.”

The pictures show some of the students who volunteered at CFNA’s Trivia Night.

Judith Meyer Timothy Lutheran Church

aminata helped collect forms from the tables

aminata helped collect forms from the tables

grace helped with the silent auction

grace helped with the silent auction