
new american folk dancers

new american folk dancers

CFNA held its eleventh annual Trivia Night on Saturday, November 10, at The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens with over 275 in attendance. Pastor Joel Christensen welcomed attendees, who enjoyed a delicious dinner of mostaccioli and salad. Appreciation is expressed to Linda Marshall and her helpers from Webster Gardens for preparing and serving the food, to Rich & Charlie’s for the donation of salad, and to those who baked homemade cookies.

Following the meal, trivia competition and bingo games began. Joanie Harwell and Rev. Stanish Stanley read this year’s trivia questions, which were written by Dorothy Rodriguez. Jerry and Joyce Birk served as bingo callers. Throughout the evening, a silent auction offered baskets, gift certificates, and a wonderful assortment of other items. Also included in the auction was a beautiful oil painting created by Vesna Delevska during the evening.

Many helping hands contributed to the success of the evening. Volunteers, including several CFNA scholarship students, sought and picked up donations, prepared food, wrote trivia questions, organized registration, sorted auction items, set up tables and chairs, and served in countless other ways. New American Folk Dancers, under the direction of Diana Wolf, entertained attendees.

CFNA is especially grateful to the congregation of The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens for the use of their facilities and for their helpful support. Appreciation is also expressed to our generous donors and sponsors for their gifts. First-time visitors Rev. Dan and Jan Gilbert recently moved to St. Louis from Illinois, where Dan concluded his ministry by serving as president of the LCMS Northern Illinois District. In Dan’s words, “We really enjoyed the evening, especially the trivia and the fellowship. We will be back!”

Proceeds from the event assist CFNA in reaching out with the Gospel message to immigrants and refugees in our area. Thanks to all who gave, all who came, and all who served!

By Bonnie Matzat Concordia, Kirkwood

bingo players

bingo players

having fun

having fun