Turkey Blessing

Matt schelp & pastor meggers

Matt schelp & pastor meggers

prayer requests and turkey dinners

prayer requests and turkey dinners

new american beneficiaries

new american beneficiaries

During the weekend of November 17/18 approximately 200 volunteer members of Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood packaged and distributed 1,200 turkey dinners that included a frozen turkey, stuffing, green beans, gravy, and potatoes – enough to feed five people; some 6,000 people in all! In addition to hundreds of individuals, churches and organizations such as Church of All Nations, Christian Friends of New Americans, Caring Ministries in the City, POBLO and more were the recipients.

This was the Fourth Annual Turkey Blessing Event, the purpose of which was to extend Concordia’s ministries of service and witness into all parts of the Kirkwood community and beyond. As congregation President Matt Schelp noted, “The service and witness opportunities that form the key part of this ministry provide many of us with a real sense of fulfillment and affirmation.” Indeed, the approximately 60 dinners distributed to CFNA alone were in turn distributed to New American families from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Nepal, Syria, Sudan, Jordan, and Yemen. Several of these are Muslim majority countries!

distributing new testaments

distributing new testaments

This year the distribution took place on the premises of Meramec Junior College, and as the huge number of vehicles rolled through the distribution lines, each recipient received a New Testament, as well as the number of turkeys and fixings required for their household; one, two or three, or perhaps more. Additionally, each recipient was asked if they might have a prayer request. For those that did, prayers were provided as the turkey dinners were loaded into the vehicle.

This ministry is expanding, not only in terms of beneficiaries but also in terms of participants. As Pastor Dave Meggars noted, “This year we were joined by volunteers from Church of All Nations, CFNA, Caring Ministries in the City, POBLO and others. The fellowship that has become part of this effort is encouraging and even inspiring.”

Thank you, Concordia for this excellent ministry of service, witness and fellowship!