Nepali Baptisms

christina magar baptism

christina magar baptism

But when the goodness and kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:4–5).

God continues to adopt people to be part of His family, regardless of where they come from or what they might have previously believed. In what may be considered by some to be mere ritual, God makes people His children. That is the sacrament of Baptism.

Five New Americans from Nepal, treasures found by Jesus, were baptized at Messiah Lutheran Church on October 7, 2018. Bir Gurung, Juna Rai, Inok Rai, David Rai, and Sophia Rai are all members of one family, and their home is one where many meet Saturday afternoons for Bible study. After a few months of study, they informed me that Juna was pregnant, would soon give birth, and was interested in having her baby baptized.

Though I indicated it would be an honor for me to do this, three months passed, and it still hadn’t happened. Every now and then, I would ask if they were still interested, and they always were. Nevertheless, a few additional months passed before we found a date acceptable to everyone. During that interval, we continued to study the Scriptures, especially the parts about Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

All of this is very interesting because earlier, we had a quick Baptism for Christina Rai, the daughter of Messiah members Chandra Magar and Buddha Rai Magar. Christina was born on August 18 and baptized on September 12. Clearly, all of this is completely in God’s hands.

Previously, all these people had been Hindu believers, but now they follow Christ and are members of Messiah Lutheran Church.

bir gurung, juna, inok, david and sophia rai with the extended family

bir gurung, juna, inok, david and sophia rai with the extended family

To God alone be the glory!

By Rev. Mike Okine Messiah Lutheran Church