Thank You Christ Memorial and Reliant!

On Saturday, October 13, a group of 14 people from Christ Memorial Lutheran Church and its Reliant community spent the day at CFNA. This group was part of a bigger event for Christ Memorial, the 5th annual Loved + Sent Servant Event, where over 400 individuals served at 30 sites across St. Louis. For the 5th year in a row, Christ Memorial chose to send a group to CFNA.

The major accomplishments of the event included applying a sealant to the basement floor, painting Scripture passages in the bathrooms, security camera maintenance, touch painting the chapel, reapplying baseboards, organizing donated books, and general facility cleaning. Thrivent Action dollars funded the supplies for the day, and Matt Barnes of Reliant provided expertise to train group members.

Servant event participant Forest Engle offered this observation, “Christian Friends of New Americans is doing great things for immigrants and refugees in the St. Louis region—there is a tangible impact on people’s lives in a city that has so many needs. Having the chance to join them in their mission to share Christ’s love with the community is always a blessing.”

the completed scripture passage

the completed scripture passage

On behalf of CFNA, Executive Director Rev. Stanish Stanley offered thanks for the services provided, as well as for the encouragement received through the Christ Memorial/Reliant partnership in mission outreach among New Americans.

By Dawn Martin Christ Memorial Lutheran Church

sealing the basement floor

sealing the basement floor

touch painting the chapel

touch painting the chapel