Something Special!

(l to r) Kibur bezabih, liniya kelifa, sama mohamed, daniel Daniel (not pictured)

(l to r) Kibur bezabih, liniya kelifa, sama mohamed, daniel Daniel (not pictured)

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Shaping, equipping, and empowering children for the future is a core value for CFNA. Holding this as a primary value, CFNA, through the Ethiopian and Eritrean Ministry, is blessed to further connect four young adults to Timothy Lutheran Church through a recently established confirmation class.

When the people of Israel were released from captivity in Babylon after 70 years of slavery, those who brought the news of the release knew they were doing something special. Those who teach others, in this case New American youngsters, of how God arranged for their release from the bondage of sin are also doing something special. Watching how the Word of God shapes the lives of children to live according to His will is indeed something special and a blessing.

Through this ministry, we are able to fulfill our vision of reaching the second generation of refugees and immigrant families as His Word establishes a foundation for lifelong discipleship. My prayer is that as Jesus grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God, this class will do the same for these students.

May our Lord continue to bless the efforts of those involved in the Ethiopian/Eritrean Ministry, including the leadership of CFNA as well as the leaders at Timothy Lutheran Church (Rev. Bill Wilson, Rev. Dr. Erik Herrmann, DCE Mark Thompson), who are also assisting with this ministry.

By Rev. Teddy Workeneh with Rev. Allan Buckman