Serving With Those Who Serve

By Karen Robertson

Servant Team, Our Shepherd, Avon, IN

Team Members with New Americans

Team Members with New Americans

The adventure began in December 2013, when a team of 18 people signed up for a Mystery Mission trip. Only a few leaders for the trip knew the destination—the rest of the team, including 6 high school youth, signed up to go wherever God was calling them to serve.

The team was told the destination in late February and then 3 members of the leadership team came down to speak with the Buckmans and other key volunteers at CFNA to plan and schedule the tasks we would complete on our week at the Peace Center.

concordia seminary visit

concordia seminary visit

God had chosen the perfect team to conquer the tasks that were given on this trip. When God picked the team He chose medical people to help with the monthly medical clinic; He chose fantastic cooks to plan and lead the Volunteer Appreciation dinner; He chose men with good construction skills to complete difficult tasks (like a fan installation in the 2nd floor bath), and He supplied many hard workers with willing hearts to complete whatever tasks arose. Yes, He especially chose those who learned and completed tuck pointing all week!

What a wonderful week we had serving at the Peace Center! We completed many construction, organizing, and painting tasks but each member of the team would agree that the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, VBS, and the Health Screening were the highlights of the week. We really enjoyed interacting with the volunteers of CFNA, teaching the children more about Jesus, and meeting the adults the Peace Center serves.

It was a humbling week, serving in ways that stretched us, but always seeing God provide the resources, skills, endurance, and attitudes needed to complete each endeavor. We realized each day that we are the ones who were blessed by the experience and service. We have new perspective: we truly have seen that “all things are possible with God” as we saw Him provide for our every need. We also have been changed by meeting the New Americans and faithful volunteers at CFNA.

Seeing the regular volunteers working tirelessly as God’s hands and feet, pouring out His love and hope to those who are new to our country is inspiring. We are already wondering when we will take our next trip to serve at the Peace Center!