After School Tutoring

Completing assignments

Completing assignments

The past two years I have been blessed to work with all the students that we call English Language Learners (ELL) at Word of Life Lutheran School. In the process, I have had the opportunity to teach the students and help their families, forming a bond that will forever impact my life! I have visited their homes, enjoyed some delicious African meals, and shared in prayers of joy and thanksgiving over the successes that we all have achieved.

The program that Mindy Hanke and I run on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons is a support system for these students. In the upper grades the students are given an opportunity to receive help with any of the homework they may have. They also may use Google chrome resources to help with research for projects, or get information for current assignments. In the lower grades extra reading and math help is provided, along with assistance with their memory verse for the week. Both classes also have time for a little fun, such as math races, board games, and, of course, computer games. The kids seem to look forward to these days and many have told me the extra help has given them an opportunity to do better on their work, therefore achieving higher grades in their classes.

During the two years this program has been up and running we have experienced many emotions. We are thrilled to see the students beginning to grasp the knowledge they need to succeed, but disappointed by all the frustration students have with understanding why they have so much work. We are tired from all the extra work we are putting forth, but also energized as we see improvements with students that were struggling with a concept. We are sad that at times these students feel so disconnected from our learning environment, but thrilled that we have been given the opportunity to turn them into successful, happy Word of Life students. We pray the funding and support from Christian Friends of New Americans and the Lutheran Foundation will continue so this program can remain in place to help current and future ELL students.

In Christ, Debbie Weltmer, AST Program Tutor Word of Life Lutheran School