Bilingual Disciple Making

By Pastor Matt Clark

Recently confirmed Nepali members and their children

Recently confirmed Nepali members and their children

The baptism of 21 Nepali refugees at Ascension Lutheran in St. Louis on January 12 was undoubtedly an important part of making disciples, but it certainly was not the conclusion of disciple making. Jesus is clear in His “Great Commission” that teaching the faith should accompany baptizing.

For those newly baptized Nepali individuals who are junior high age or older, this teaching took place in the form of weekly bilingual confirmation class. Around one dozen Nepali students met on Saturday afternoons at CFNA’s Peace Center to receive instruction in the basic teachings of what Lutheran Christians believe. The main resource was Luther’s Small Catechism. Most participants received two copies—one in English and one in Nepali. While I led the class, Gagan Gurung (Ascension’s Nepali Ministry Facilitator), and Dolma Gurung translated what I taught into Nepali. CFNA’s Richard Leigh also facilitated discussion and provided transportation. What a wonderful partnership!

After covering the six chief parts of the catechism, a total of eleven Nepali students were well instructed and eager to be confirmed. On the first Sunday of July, their confirmation took place during worship at Ascension. The event was a celebration of the Lord’s work through our congregation’s partnership with CFNA, making it possible to raise up more, and stronger, disciples from all nations!