Thank You Dorinda!

Dorinda with new american students

Dorinda with new american students

The CFNA After-School Tutoring program will soon open its doors for the eighth consecutive academic year. Last year more than 130 New American students were served, with approximately half that number in attendance on a regular basis. They, together with their families, arrived in St. Louis during the past few years from seven Asian and African nations (Bhutan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Sudan). Presently, 14 are enrolled at Word of Life Lutheran School through the CFNA scholarship assistance program.*

Dorinda Werner served as a tutor for the past couple of years. Now residing in Houston, TX she shares the following reflections.

“My prayer friends would often hear me say, ‘please pray for PEACE at the Peace Center!’... especially on Monday afternoons when I used to head for St. Louis from O'Fallon, IL, to help with tutoring approximately 30 children of immigrants from a variety of countries. Volunteering at the Peace Center was the highlight of my week because I felt like I was instrumental in bringing God's peace and love into the lives of these children who are relatively new to our country and in great need of God's peace.

“The Peace Center on South Grand in St. Louis is designed to help bring PEACE into the lives of immigrant families... to help meet their physical and educational needs... but most importantly, their spiritual needs. True and lasting PEACE comes only through knowing JESUS who can give us His peace. He offers His peace to ALL of us ‘PEACE I leave with you; my PEACE I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’  John 14:27

“Do YOU want to share God's peace and love with people from different countries? Prayerfully consider getting in touch with Rev. Stanish Stanley (314-724-4664) or Rev. Al and Carol Buckman (314-517-8513) to begin volunteering at the Peace Center! You are NEEDED and you will be a great blessing to these children and their families!”

Thanks for your service, Dorinda, and our Lord’s blessings be with you as you undertake your new mission responsibilities with LINC Houston.

*from information provided by Sandy Gerber