Turkey Blessings at Concordia
/“‘We love because He first loved us’ (1 John 4:19) and are grateful for the opportunity to demonstrate this love to the Kirkwood community and beyond, including New Americans.” Says Matt Schelp, church president speaking on behalf of the members of Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood.
This was Concordia’s second annual Turkey Blessing event, and like last year, one thousand turkeys, complete with “all the fixings,” were given to those in need of them. The line was long, and each recipient was given the opportunity to share a prayer request. Many did, and the prayers were offered on-the-spot.
Thirty-six recently arrived New American refugee families (more than 150 recipients) from Syria, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and more were among those who received the dinners and the prayers that went along with them. Senite Wawi, a thirteen-year-old member of a refugee family from Eritrea, shared, “God taught us to love and share, and this church is doing that for us. Thank you to them!”
Truly, CFNA’s partnership with Concordia, Kirkwood, has been a blessing for all involved. As Rev. David Meggers put it, “Through partnership with CFNA, Concordia, Kirkwood, is able to serve a significant number of New Americans we could have reached in no other way.”
Thank you, Concordia.
Rev. Allan Buckman Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood With Rev. Stanish Stanley Christ Memorial Lutheran Church