Thank you Christ Memorial and Reliant!
/On Saturday, October 8, a group of 15 from Christ Memorial Lutheran Church spent the day at the CFNA Peace Center. This group was part of a bigger event for Christ Memorial, the 3rd annual Loved+Sent Servant Event where 350 individuals served at 30 sites across St. Louis. For the 3rd year in a row, Christ Memorial chose to send a group to CFNA for the event.
The major accomplishments for the day included shampooing the chapel carpet, cleaning the chapel, installing new lights in the basement, constructing two shelving units, laying tile flooring in the main level bathroom, removing carpet and laying tile in the cry room, and tuck pointing outdoors. Thrivent Action dollars funded most of the supplies for the day, while Tom Daily of Christ Memorial/Reliant and Dr. John Lautenschlager provided the expertise to train group members.
By Dawn Martin Christ Memorial/Reliant Lutheran Church