Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Rich Schaefer

Rich Schaefer

Sandy gerber

Sandy Gerber

Carol and Cathy, photo by Eric Erkkinen

Carol and Cathy, photo by Eric Erkkinen

On the evening of Friday, October 28, approximately seventy CFNA friends, advocates, and associates gathered to celebrate one of their greatest blessings—the more than one hundred long-and short-term volunteers from the St. Louis area and beyond who make this ministry among new Americans a possibility. The special event was hosted by the Men’s Club of Christ Memorial Lutheran Church—yet another example of caring volunteer Christian service. They generously provided a delicious barbeque dinner, featuring pork steaks and chicken with numerous side dishes.

The program for the evening included special recognition for two people who have been continuously involved in CFNA volunteer service for more than six years. Ms. Sandy Gerber (St. Johns Lutheran Church) and Mr. Rich Schaefer (Ascension Lutheran Church) have both served with the After School Tutoring program on a weekly basis. Their great service has been much appreciated, especially by the numerous New American students who have been the beneficiaries.

In addition to a continuous slideshow of scenes from CFNA ministry over the past few months, the program featured the New American Folk Dancers, led and choreographed by Ms. Diana Wolf, a volunteer tutor from Webster Gardens Lutheran Church. From countries as diverse as Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Brazil, all eight dancers, ages 12 to 15, wore costumes typical of the Middle East. Interestingly, all of them arrived in St. Louis as refugees during the past three or four years.

A special thank-you to our great CFNA volunteers and to the wonderful Christ Memorial Men’s Club as well!

Prepared by Rev. Stanish Stanley Christ Memorial Lutheran Church

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