Baptisms and Confirmations

More than 200 New Americans since 2010

Baptism at ascension (Photo by erik m. lunsford)

Baptism at ascension (Photo by erik m. lunsford)

CFNA follows a model for our ministries: draw, bridge, home. We are not a social service agency, but a place to connect with people and build relationships, with the destination being the Church.

We draw in New Americans through various programs and ministries, develop relationships, and share the Gospel. Then, for some, we bridge them from CFNA to a Lutheran congregation—a church home—where they find a faith community willing to partner in their spiritual journey, as well as a network ready to facilitate their daily encounter with the realities of American culture.  

Through the ministries at CFNA and in collaboration with our ethnic ministry facilitators and partner congregations, the Lord has opened up the hearts of our New American friends. We see the fruits of these efforts in the more than 200 who have become involved in four LCMS congregations: Ascension, Messiah, St. Johns, and Timothy. Since 2010, we have seen more than 250 baptisms and/or confirmations of 217 people, including more than 100 Nepali New Americans born in either Bhutan or Nepal. 

baptisms with revs. okine, espinoza and johnson

baptisms with revs. okine, espinoza and johnson

Lewi jermiya

Lewi jermiya

Pastor Matt Clark of Ascension Lutheran Church, now with 85 Nepali members, shared that “churches are able to care for the spiritual needs of New Americans. In fact, Ascension has been blessed to serve alongside our Nepali friends. There is mutual learning, and we are all benefiting. Our American-born members get to see in our midst that the Church is worldwide—of all nations, cultures, and languages. The Nepali have a great passion for sharing the Gospel and Jesus’s love. They are wonderful examples for the American-born congregation members.”

Further, Dolma Gurung, a Nepali Ascension-confirmed member, is thankful that she has been able to learn more about Jesus since being connected to Ascension, adding that, “Pastor Clark is so helpful.” 

Confirmation class at St. Johns morganford

Confirmation class at St. Johns morganford

Additionally, more than 65 people from the West African countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone and East African countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea have been baptized and/or confirmed at Timothy Lutheran Church.  Some were baptized as infants in their birth countries while new believers were baptized at Timothy. Eritrean-born Lewi Jermiya described the Timothy community as being “essential—serving multi nations, praying for everyone’s needs, and providing support and encouragement.” Timothy is the first church Jermiya attended when he arrived in the United States. He appreciates the Bible studies, worship, and welcoming nature of the Timothy community.

We thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit in using CFNA and our partner congregations to bring growing numbers of New Americans into His kingdom.

By Laura Brink
Ministry Associate