Computers For Refugees
/three grateful nepali recipients
“Pastor, thank you for this iMac computer. I took a break from my job because you said it is available now. I didn’t want to miss it.” This was Suk’s excited comment when I met him and three of his Nepali friends at the Peace Center to distribute Apple iMacs donated by Lutheran High School South. IT Director, Kathryn Steinbrueck, had carefully packed over 25 iMacs and desktops for distribution to New American families.
The computer donations were in popular demand. “Pastor, can you please give me one more iMac for my friend Monila” was Sumitra’s (Nepal) request as she picked up one for her family. She added, “This is a good machine for online study. My young sister will use it, and so will I.”
Her request caused me to reflect on the reality that these computers were being distributed to people from several birth nations, including Nepal, Afghanistan, Congo, Yemen, Uganda, and more. Adults participating in CFNA’s sewing and ESL programs, as well kids from the After-School Tutoring program, were among those making the requests.
The steinbruecks with donated computers
Lutheran South’s support for CFNA has been a blessing. Moreover, Kathryn was pleased to find a place where the machines could be put to good use. “We have New American students that are financially supported by CFNA in our school, so when we bought new computers, we thought of you.” To be sure, this was a good fit.
“Pastor, that iMac you gave me is a really good machine. . . . Oh my, it is so good. It is so useful for my study. Thank you so much,” was Mr. Eric’s (Congo) grateful response.
With online communication becoming a normal part of life during the COVID pandemic, having a reliable computer has become vital for classroom instruction, meetings, relationship building, and more. Lutheran South’s timely donation has been greatly appreciated by the recipients. We sincerely thank them and remain most grateful for their continuing partnership and support.
As 19-year-old Mary, resettled 3 weeks ago from a refugee camp in Uganda, pointed out, “Christian people know to love others. . . . They are already blessing me in America. Being in the camp was tough. I am so happy to be here.”
another pleased recipient
Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley
Executive Director. CFNA