/LCMS MO District — leadership formation
In his letter to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul says, “In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:4-5)
Christian Friends of New Americans operates by partnering with other organizations to provide the wide range of services needed by the New Americans who come to us. As our mission statement puts it:
CFNA partners with local Lutheran congregations, schools, and individuals, NGOs, and various grant-giving foundations to offer a range of programs and services for New Americans.
CFNA began with just three ministry partners: By God’s grace, this number has grown to 86; 46 Lutheran congregations and 40 like-minded organizations. Included are seven Lutheran primary and secondary schools, as well as 650 donors and 250 volunteers.
Our partners will be quick to tell you they also share in this blessing. Rev. Bill Geis, Mission Director for the LCMS Missouri District puts it like this, “CFNA matters to the Missouri District in that it serves as the premier agency for reaching out to new Americans and linking them with LCMS congregations. CFNA is our role model for showing that partnerships truly matter.”
SLU - COVID Vaccination
Rev. Matt Clark, Sr. Pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church affirms that, “Ascension’s partnership with CFNA matters to us in that it has given our members the opportunity to take an active role in works of mercy and witness with refugees. It is a joy for our congregation to see the Holy Spirit at work as New Americans find a church home at Ascension where they can take part in Word and Sacrament ministry. I have had the privilege of baptizing over 35 Nepali individuals, most of whom came out of the darkness of Hinduism or Buddhism and into the Light of Christ.”
Dr. Douglas Rutt, who serves as Provost at Concordia Seminary, shares that, “We are very appreciative of the ministry and mission of CFNA. For one thing, it provides an excellent example to our students of the kinds of things that can be done to serve the local community. CFNA also provides opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff to be involved in ministry to our immigrant community. But perhaps most importantly, Concordia Seminary is thankful for the dedication, hospitality, and loving service that CFNA extends, in the name of Jesus Christ, to those who have come to our nation in search of a better life.”
Vicar Lewi Jermiya (Eritrea) who serves as Evangelist for the Kunama Bible Fellowship that functions as a satellite of Timothy Lutheran Church, informs that, “CFNA matters to us because they helped us grow spiritually and inherit the kingdom of God. We thank God for them and the friendship they provide. If it were not for CFNA, the Kunama people would have had to face some very big problems alone.”
CFNA could not operate without our partners. But our most important partner is God, who provides the opportunities, tools, and resources to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with New Americans. Please continue to partner with CFNA by praying for our ministry. With St. Paul, we thank God for our partners in the Gospel.
Concordia kirkwood - turkey blessing
By Kerry Pozaric
Business Manager – CFNA
Rev. Dr. Allan Buckman
Board Chair - CFNA