Shine Event 2023

In response to a state-wide appeal by the LCMS Missouri District, a youth group from Hope Lutheran Church, High Ridge, MO, together with some students from SLU (St. Louis University) recently partnered with CFNA for a “Shine Event” at the Peace Center.  Leading the volunteers from Hope, High Ridge was their Youth Director, Rebecca Doll.  The CFNA immigrant/refugee participants were from India and Congo.  

Though the team worked for less than a day, a lot was accomplished.  This included picking up trash outside the Peace Center, vacuuming, dusting, sweeping floors, cleaning windows, disinfecting surfaces, setting up tables for a clothing giveaway, and emptying trash containers.  

During a brief break, the group had the opportunity to learn how and when CFNA began, as well as something about the variety of programs currently offered to the immigrant/refugee community.  Additionally, stories about the hardships the immigrant/refugee families experienced in their home countries as well as the challenges of getting settled in this country were also shared.  

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Later in the day one of CFNA’s refugee friends from Afghanistan stopped by with his son to introduce himself. He shared how difficult life was for him and his family after the U.S. military left his country, the sadness of having to leave relatives and finding a safe place to settle. He also shared his sincere gratitude and appreciation for the care and help he and his family received from CFNA.   

All of this left some deep impressions on the participants. Junior, a recently arrived refugee from Congo, volunteered his service out of gratitude for the Driver’s Ed lessons he had been receiving at the Peace Center. He put it like this, “I have never done a service event like this.  We don’t do this in my country. It is so good to see American people working like this, and I am happy to help them.”   

Rebecca Doll, the youth group leader from Hope Lutheran shared, “Thank you for inviting us to come and serve. Our youths need to do this and very importantly, learn about what you do and who refugees are. Our youth need to know how good they have it, and how different it is here in the city.” 

CFNA thanks all of them and wishes them God’s richest blessings!  

Submitted by,
Gary Schaefer
CFNA Operations, with
Rev. Stanish Stanley
CFNA Executive Director